Wednesday, October 11, 2006

breastfeeding: lansinoh for cracked nipples

you may think that childbirth was painful. now that you are breastfeeding, you know what pain really is! (if your nipples are not cracked and you are not terrified to nurse each time your baby stirs in her crib, then this post is not for you!) at the first sign of dryness, cracking, sloughing off of skin, or anything that freaks you out, go straight to your local grocery or drug store for some lansinoh lanolin. yes, it seems expensive. but you most likely will only need to buy one tube per baby so splurge. it's important. squeeze some out on your finger and rub it all over your nipple and areola (the dark part around the nipple). it's kind of sticky and it won't really rub in and be absorbed like body lotion will. think of it as a protective shield on your nipple. it's okay if you get it on your breast pad, so feel free to put your bra back on.

can my baby eat lansinoh? yes! don't worry. if you are at the point where your nipples are so cracked that you are ready to give up and reach for the formula, NOW IS WHEN YOU APPLY THE LANSINOH! you can put it on before you nurse. your baby will not gag or get grossed out. the lansinoh actually can help her latch on and maintain suction. it will not necessarily get rid of the pain, but it will make nursing more comfortable. so go ahead and use the lansinoh as much as you want. no worries, mama.

(and, by the way, the pain WILL go away! just when you think it can't get any worse, it will. but then a few feedings later you will realize that it's not so bad anymore...congratulations!).

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